Saturday, March 8, 2014

Similarities between Paul VI and Benedict XVI
Pope Paul VI and Cardinal Ratzinger
"On the one hand there is an explanation, which I want to mention 'hermeneutics of rupture'. This often has the cooperation of the mass media, and also a part of modern theology has made use of here."

Benedict XVI, Christmas 2005 speech to the Roman Curia.

Pope Paul VI said on 23rd June 1972 the following: 

"... an emergency which We cannot and must not keep hidden: in the first place a false and erroneous interpretation of the Council, of those who want to break with the tradition, even as regards the doctrine, an interpretation which goes so far as the rejection of the pre-Conciliar Church and to the point of allowing the concept of a 'new' church, as if it were re-invented from the inside, as regards the establishment of the Church, the dogma, the customs and the law."  (Acta Apostolicae Sedis (AAS) Year 64 (1972), p. 498). 

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